Įtampos keitiklis / įkroviklis "Victron Energy MultiPlus-II 24V/3000VA/70A-32A
1 925,00 €
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MultiPlus-II combines the functions of MultiPlus and MultiGrid
It has all the functions of the MultiPlus unit plus the possibility of connecting an external current sensor for the PowerControl and PowerAssist functions with optimization of its own consumption (max. 32A).
It also has all the functions of a MultiGrid unit with built-in anti-islanding protection on its AC input – enhanced protection against unwanted supplies to the distribution network in the event of a power outage.
ESS: Energy Storage Systems
The MultiPlus-II is a key element in the Victron ESS system, providing the flexibility to combine with solar MPPT controllers or grid PV inverters.
MultiPlus-II, as the name suggests, is a combination of inverter and charger in one elegant design. Its range of functions includes a pure sine wave inverter, adaptive charging, PowerAssist hybrid technology and other functions for integration into different types of systems.
One AC input
MultiPlus-II is equipped with one AC input for connecting a distribution network or, for example, a generator.
If two AC inputs are needed, then we choose the Quattro unit.
Two AC outputs
The MultiPlus-II is equipped with two AC outputs. The main AC1 output will ensure power supply without interruption. E.g. in UPS MultiPlus-II mode, it takes over the power supply of the connected appliances (in less than 20 milliseconds) in the event of a failure of the distribution network or generator.
The second AC output is only functional when an AC input (distribution grid/generator) is available. A load that would quickly drain the batteries, such as a water heater, can therefore be connected to this output and it will be powered only from an AC source.
Four stages of charging with an adaptive charger with two outputs for charging the battery.
The main DC output provides powerful full charge of the accumulators through the "adaptive charging" system. The software manages a three-stage automatic charging process to suit the battery condition and adds a fourth charging stage - trickle charge. In addition to this, the MultiPlus-II can also charge a second battery using an independent charging output designed, for example, for generator starter batteries with a maximum charging current of 4 A. The MultiPlus-II is intended for charging all types of lead-acid, alkaline and lithium batteries.
Prakticky neobmedzený výkon vďaka paralelnej prevádzke
Až 6 jednotiek MultiPlus-II môže pracovať paralelne na dosiahnutie vyššieho výkonu.
Trojfázová prevádzka
Tri jednotky rovnakého typu môžu byť nakonfigurované pre trojfázovú prevádzku s fázovým posunom. Ale to nie je všetko, až 6 paralelne radených jednotiek môže tvoriť jednu fázu. Trojfázový systém tak môže pozostávať až z 18 jednotiek so súhrnným trvalým výstupným výkonom 43,2 kW/54 kVA a nabíjacím výkonom 630 A.
Unikátne vlastnosti funkcie PowerControl a PowerAssist
MultiPlus-II zamedzí preťaženiu výkonovo obmedzeného AC zdroja napr. prúdovo obmedzené el. prípojky alebo generátora. Pokiaľ by malo dôjsť veľkým odberom k preťaženiu vstupného AC zdroja, bude v prvom kroku automaticky znížený nabíjací prúd do batérie (PowerControl). Energia na nabíjanie je presunutá pre napájanie AC spotrebičov. V druhom kroku dochádza k posilneniu vstupného AC zdroja prúdom odoberaným z batérie (PowerAssist). Na AC výstup prichádza spoločne energia z AC zdroja aj z batérie (meniča).
Solárna energia
AC prúd môžete mať k dispozícii aj v prípade výpadku distribučnej siete. MuliPlus-II môže byť použitý ako v off-grid (ostrovných) systémoch, tak vo fotovoltaických systémoch trvalo pripojených k distribučnej sieti. MultiPlus-II nie je vybavený vstupom pre FV pole, je ale predurčený na spoluprácu s MPPT regulátormi (DC coupling systémy) alebo sieťovými meničmi (AC coupling systémy) umiestnenými na AC vstupe a/alebo AC výstupe. Viac tu v popise ESS.
Konfigurácia systému
- V prípade jednoduchej napr. UPS inštalácie, je možné nastavenie ľahko vykonať v priebehu niekoľkých minút pomocou DIP prepínačov na MultiPluse-II alebo softvérom VE.Configure 3 a PC.
- Paralelné a trojfázové aplikácie môžu byť konfigurované pomocou softvéru VE.Bus Quick Configure (do troch jednotiek) alebo zložitejšie systémy pomocou softvéru VE.Bus System Configurator (nad tri jednotky) a PC.
- Off-grid a hybridné FV inštalácie pre podporu vlastnej spotreby a väčšej energetickej nezávislosti, ktoré zahŕňajú sieťové striedače a/alebo solárne MPPT nabíjače, je možné konfigurovať pomocou softvéru VE.Configure 3 s využitím príslušných asistentov (špecializované funkcie pre konkrétne aplikácie).
- MultiPlus-II disponuje niekoľkými programovateľnými relé a pomocnými kontaktmi pre celý rad doplnkových funkcií
- Základný softvér VE.Configure 3 ale aj ostatné softvéry pre možnosť konfigurácie si môžete zadarmo stiahnuť na nasledujúcom odkaze: https://www.victronenergy.com/support-and-downloads/software
Pre uvedené softvéry budete potrebovať PC komunikačné rozhranie MK3-USB.
Vzdialený monitoring a konfigurácia systémov
Sledujte a ovládajte svoj systém lokálne alebo vzdialene cez internet z ľubovoľného miesta na svete pomocou bezplatnej aplikácie VRM a bezplatného portálu VRM: https://vrm.victronenergy.com/landingpage
Prístup môže byť z telefónu, tabletu, notebooku alebo počítača pre rôzne operačné systémy. Pre vzdialený prístup potrebujete jeden z nasledujúcich ovládacích panelov a potom máte k dispozícii možnosť monitoringu a konfigurácie systému odkiaľkoľvek na svete:
Color Control GX
Venus GX
V kombinácii s ColorControl GX alebo VEnus GX zaisťuje počítanie stavu nabitia batérie v percentách (SOC)
MultiPlus-II ponúka mnoho variantov prevádzky a je schopný ponúknuť riešenie na rad užívateľských požiadaviek. Tu uvádzame pre predstavu najčastejšie prevádzkové režimy:
1. Základná inštalácia jednotky MultiPlus-II s externým digitálnym multifunkčným panelom (voliteľné). Určené do systémov, kedy nie je vždy dostupná sieť (typicky karavany, lode), režim UPS. Spotrebiče na AC out-1 sú napájané ako zo siete (prednostne), tak z batérie. Spotrebiče na AC-out2 sú napájané iba zo siete, v prípade výpadku siete nie sú napájané.
2. Basic installation of MultiPlus-II unit with digital multifunction panel (optional). Intended for systems where a network is not always available (typically caravans, boats). UPS mode. Appliances on AC out-1 are powered both from the mains (preferably) and from the battery. Use a current sensor at AC-out2, which is outside the MultiPlus-II. Appliances on AC out-2 are powered primarily from the mains, in the event of a possible exceeding of the input AC current, they are also powered from the battery. They are not powered during a power outage.
3. Hybrid solar system concept ESS (Energy Storage System) - DC coupling concept using MPPT solar controller. Appliances on AC out-1 are powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, also from the mains. In the event of a grid failure, they are powered by photovoltaics and/or batteries (if power is available and the inverter is not overloaded). Appliances on AC-out2 are also powered preferentially from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, from the network as well. In the event of a network failure, these appliances are not powered (unbacked appliances). Photovoltaics produces energy in the event of a grid failure.
4. Concept of hybrid solar system ESS (Energy Storage System) - DC-coupling concept using MPPT solar controller with placement of unbacked consumers outside MultiPlus-II and using current sensor. A system similar to the previous system, with the only difference that unbacked appliances are not connected to the AC output, but to the AC input. A current sensor is used (measuring range 0-32A). Appliances on AC out-1 are powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, also from the mains. In the event of a grid failure, they are powered by photovoltaics and/or batteries (if power is available and the inverter is not overloaded). Appliances on AC-out2 are also powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries (via AC input), or from the mains in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the inverter. In the event of a network failure, these appliances are not powered (unbacked appliances). Photovoltaics produces energy in the event of a grid failure.
5. Hybrid solar system concept ESS (Energy Storage System) – AC coupling concept using grid PV inverter placed on AC – out1 (only Fronius brand inverters). Appliances on AC out-1 are powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, also from the mains. In the event of a grid failure, they are powered by photovoltaics and/or batteries (if power is available and the inverter is not overloaded). Appliances on AC-out2 are also powered preferentially from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, from the network as well. In the event of a network failure, these appliances are not powered (unbacked appliances). Photovoltaics produces energy in the event of a grid failure. MultiPlus-II can charge the battery from photovoltaics via its AC output and, if necessary (low consumption, battery charged), regulate the power of the mains inverter by frequency or data.
6. Concept of hybrid solar system ESS (Energy Storage System) - AC coupling concept using grid PV inverter placed on AC – out1 (only Fronius brand inverters) with placement of unbacked consumers outside MultiPlus-II and using current sensor. A system similar to the previous system, with the only difference that unbacked appliances are not connected to the AC output, but to the AC input. A current sensor is used (measuring range 0-32A). Appliances on AC out-1 are powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries, or in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter, also from the mains. In the event of a grid failure, they are powered by photovoltaics and/or batteries (if power is available and the inverter is not overloaded). Appliances on AC-out2 are also powered preferably from photovoltaics and/or batteries (via AC input), or from the mains in the event of a lack of this energy or an overload of the converter. In the event of a network failure, these appliances are not powered (unbacked appliances). Photovoltaics produces energy in the event of a grid failure. MultiPlus-II can charge the battery from photovoltaics via its AC output and, if necessary (low consumption, battery charged), regulate the power of the mains inverter by frequency or data.
7. The concept of placing a mains converter on the AC input is also possible. A parallel topology is also possible, i.e. the MultiPlus-II is connected to the network and appliances only via the AC input (AC outputs not used). The extraction of energy from the grid and/or solar energy for recharging the battery and powering the appliances takes place only through this one connection.